Meat processing workshop
Ltd. "GPC Smārde
Butcher's Smarde, Smarde vilage, Engures nov., LV-3129, Latvia
Phone: + 371 631 92234
email: gpcd@inbox.lv
GPC Smārde PVD has received recognition certificate on 26 March 2010 on the year processing. We offer fresh meats, various types of dried meat and sausages, as well as the already extremely popular kupātus.

GPC Smārde produces hunting products - dried meat, sausages. You can purchase disaggregated hunting offers- chops, leg, loin, tenderloin, etc. GPC Smārde out hunting processing.

GPC Smārde offers fresh, cut meat products and products of slaughter - the liver, kidneys, lungs, tongue, legs, head, etc. products.

Finished meat products can be purchased here ------------------->

Butchers' Smarde, Smarde vilage, Engures nov., LV-3129, Latvia

Additional information about products and prices ---------------->

 The products can be viewed here  ------------------------------------------>

Shop Location

+ 371 631 92234


Meat processing workshop "GPC Smārde"

GPC Smārde - meat processing workshop produces around 40 types of sausage and meat products from wild hunting meat. Products of the company: Sausage, favorite sausages, sausages Hunters, Farmers, pork spices, king delicacy, etc. with quality seasoned without conned.

GPC Smārde PVD has received recognition certificate on 26 March 2010 for the processing of wild game, game products and recycling. Sausage, smoked, the opportunity to buy products distributed game - chops, hams, loin, tenderloin, etc.

GPC Smārde offers fresh, cut meat products and 12 May 2016 received recognition for canned meat production.

Meat Processing Plant has its own, Veterinary compliant cattle slaughterhouse recognized by the granting of a certificate of conformity. Cattle slaughterhouse used by both business needs and offers a slaughterhouse services to other businesses and farmers.

The company has its own bathroom and a veterinary expert who carefully controls the entire production and marketing process.

"GPC Smārde" History

GPC Smārde - Smārde vilage meat processing shop was put into operation in 1985, then still kolkhoz "Future". Workshop was initially intended only for the collective farm realization processing.

1992 workshop was privatized by the employees themselves, the new company named "GPC Smārde." The company expanded production, we rebuilt the freezer, purchased new equipment.

In 2001 the company change of ownership. The main challenge was to improve product quality and ensure customer compliant production.

The company is the initial stage of a lot of experience gained from German colleagues, but for several years the company manufactures products at specialist developed recipes and many years of experience. Monthly is produced on average 18 tons of various meat products. Cattle were purchased from farmers and public companies, the amount per month is about 15 tons.

In 2010 the company employed 22 workers, including the same vendor marketing place.GPC Smarde products offers Latvian cities: Tukums, Jurmala, Jelgava, where buyers are popular among our home smoked meat. Clients include schools, kindergartens, medical facilities, restaurants and shops.
